A. Mellal, C. Cekerevac
Stucky SA
T. Hoch
Structural effects of the settlement of a multi-storey building due to an urban tunnel excavation
P. Jemec, D. Frank, A. Levicar
ELEA iC d.o.o. Civil engineering and consulting
Zsoil in today’s projects
IUB Engineering
Tunnel Analysis in Debris & Soft Rock – some tricks and …
IGT Geotechnik und Tunnelbau
Design of unreinforced Inner Linings in Tunnels with ZSOIL Nonlinear Beams
M. Monfared , L. Fournier Bidoz, E. Rigaud, E. Garin,T. Kazerani
BG Consulting Engineers
Finite element simulation of a tunnel excavation in an urban environment: case study of the CEVA project
S. Commend ,
GeoMod ing. conseils SA
Two-dimensional FE analysis on the influence of jet grouting on displacements around a tunnel
Françoise Geiser,
GeoMod ing. conseils SA
Cut and Cover study: 2D and 3D analyses
R. Obrzud,
GeoMod ing. conseils SA, E. GARIN, BG Ingénieurs Conseils, Lausanne
Excavation analysis of a large-scale underground power plant cavern: 2D and 3D FE analyses
D. Tendon, A. Bisetti and J. L’Eplattenier,
Graitery Tunnel– Use of Zsoil for complex excavations
F. Geiser and S. Commend,
GeoMod ing. conseils SA,
J. Crisinel
Cut and cover tunnel study with ZSOIL 3D
B. Correia, L. Leal and L.R. Sousa
University of Porto, Portugal
An Innovative Underground Power Sheme, Numerical Modeling